Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Polar Express!!

We took the kids Northward to the Polar Express earlier this week! It was a blast! But let me tell is FREEZING up there in Williams (ahem..I mean The North Pole:)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

the perfect family picture

gas out of town, to get to the perfect location, for the perfect family picture

lunch when you get there (so everyone is fed, and happy, and ready to smile for the perfect family picture)

Ending up with a picture that looks like your family (despite your best efforts)

(thank you Kevin!! 10 years from now, Craig and I will still think this is hysterical!! and accurate:)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Daphne's Art Showing!

Daphne's artwork was chosen to represent Foothills 1st and 2nd grades at the PUSD art show today (there were only 2 pieces chosen from each school in the district!!) It came as no surprise that our future little Rachael Ray's piece was titled 'Sweet Treat's". I can't wait to add this new masterpiece to our personal art gallery!!

a treat for daddy

Daddy had to work a loooong day today (the G1 launches tomorrow ya know:) So Eve made him a 'cloud cake' YUMMY!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The artiste!!!

Is it just me....or tis this an exceptionally fantastic piece of art for a 2 year old????