Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sweet Slumber

So I was recently asked (for the 10 billionth time) "so is this baby going to sleep in your bed too???" I had to laugh as I thought back to how defensive that question used to make me feel. Explaining the benefits of co-sleeping, defending my decision to do it.

 Now- I immediately thought of this picture.....and then the 100 more I have like it spanning the last 2 years. I simply replied "Yep!"

That very night, as Craig and I were dozing off, Eve stumbled into our room and said pitifully "daddy help me, I'm sick" (in the cutest stuffy nose voice you can imagine) Craig scooped her up and cradled her in his arm where she still fits perfectly and snuggled in, whispering in her ear. I rested my head against his other shoulder and faded into sleep. 

Perfect. Safe. Quiet. Loved.

Will Jude lay in the same spot???? Of course he will. We wouldn't have it any other way.