Friday, October 3, 2008

Oh boy Oh boy!!

Well it's official! We found out that we're having a BOY! I was honestly completely shocked!!!! Craig and I are thrilled! I have suddenly taken to watching every little boy that I see at Target or the girl's school. Here are my initial observations......they make a lot of noise. Not talking noise- just sounds. I wonder how this will mix in with the girls who engage in constant chatter. I have visions of being in the car with 3 girls talking simultaneously and an under currant of airplane noises. My second observation......boy clothes are NOT as fun/cute/plentiful as girls. This is karma for me rolling my eyes all that time I worked in retail and heard mom's complaining abut the lack of clothes for boys. I always thought "they're boys.....who cares what they wear?!?" Well- now I care! And I stand corrected!!!! If you're not into sports, monster trucks, fishing or Noah's Arc type animals- good like finding something to dress your son in! So- I've been creating onesies, blankets, and various 'snugglies' for my little guy- and I've decided that I need to design a line of clothes for boys- as soon as I get some time:)

BTW-our little guy's name is Jude. We love the Beatles, my great-great grandfather happened to be named Jude, and Saint Jude is that patron saint of impossible things. Couldn't be a more fitting name for our son if you ask me:)