Sunday, September 14, 2008

my new obsession (ie the craft project driving Craig Crazy right now)

Hello- I'm Angela and I'm addicted to making pillow case dresses.

I figure if the Von Trapp family can roam about town in drapes Maria made into play clothes MY girls can SURELY wear dresses made of pillowcases!!!!

The Big Day!

So we are about 12 hours from finally finding out if we're having a girl or a boy. I've gone through a range of emotions that I didn't experience with the girls- I suppose because this is our last. As cheesy as it sounds- all I really care about is the baby being healthy. That's it. Craig told me tonight that all he really cares about is the baby being healthy- and I believe him. I've let people's comments get to me..... comments about "finally giving Craig a son" and "you know he'll be devastated if it's not a boy"....funny how quickly we revert to the thinking of the Middle Ages! Ok King Henry! I'll give you a son! Like it's up to me! Please don't behead me if I produce another girl! Thank God Craig is the kind of man who really DOESN'T care! It will be so nice to know and just enjoy the rest of this pregnancy!

We put the girls to bed early and decided to rent a movie (wahoo! date night!) Craig came home with 'Baby Mama' in honor of tomorrow. Seriously- I love this man!

Please visit her blog! She is an amazing, inspiring mother of 4 from Az who was in a plan crash with her husband about a month ago. You can visit her site and read as her sister journeys through this time at


So- as an Aquarius I am supposed to be technically savvy. Unfortunately this is the only trait of my sign that I fail at miserably. But I am willing to learn and creating this blog will help me out of my comfort zone (I vow here to ask Criag for as little help as possible as I begin this adventure:)

I was inspired to blog by an amazing woman named Nie Nie. (PLEASE visit her blog at Reading her blog helped me realize that even if no one ever reads this but me (well, and my sister obviously, because she should be enthralled with my day to day life) blogging will help me slow down and appreciate every minute of this amazing life that I am living. And it is Amazing! And when it comes right down to it.....what I'm searching for is living in the Now and Zen